The way we were showing issues found by testers to our customers did not
include any
triaging functionality. We knew the result of this was that customers were spending up to 4 times as long
triaging their
results as they would like.
We also knew what the main pain points were around triaging issues and we had a good understanding of the
context and understood the risks and negative consequences of a bad
triaging flow.
In light of this, the Product Manager and Tech Lead and I workshopped:
- What might be the simplest way to introduce a triaging workflow so that we can speed up the triaging
- Can we achieve this using the existing issues page view?
- Can we create an intuitive and easy-to-use triaging flow within the current technical constraints?
After a couple of rounds of brainstorming and voting on ideas, we decided that an accept/reject button
for each issue would be a quick way to solve
the customers' problems - it would allow them to hide rejected issues, communicate the triage status of
to others in their team and be a first step towards enabling better issue triaging.
This was a change that could be made reasonably quickly in the code, however we were concerned that it
would cause problems if we introduced it within the existing design, which showed the issues
in an expandable accordion view. Adding the option to accept/reject issues within this already
information-heavy view would cause various problems which might actually slow down the triaging process
and be detrimental to the user experience.
After exploring some potential solutions within the existing view, we realised it would be better to
change the structure of the
page to allow us to better solve the problem for the customer. The options we had within the existing page
did not effectively solve the customers problem, so we decided to move away from the accordion view and
show each issue in its own page. The next step was to scope
this work with the full engineering team so that we could gain an understanding of how much more work this
would be to